Labour announces top jobs

Labour announces top jobs
Photo credit: Newshub

Labour leader Jacinda Ardern has announced the 21 Labour Ministers of the Crown in the new government.

Cabinet Minister positions will be held by the leader herself, David Clark, Clare Curran, Kelvin Davis, Chris Hipkins, Iain Lees-Galloway, Andrew Little, Nanaia Mahuta, Stuart Nash, Damien O’Connor, David Parker, Grant Robertson, Jenny Salesa, Carmel Sepuloni, Phil Twyford and Megan Woods.

Ministers outside of Cabinet are Kris Faafoi, Peeni Henare, Willie Jackson, Aupito William Sio, Meka Whaitiri.

Ms Ardern will announce the portfolios for the Ministers next week, including the New Zealand First and Green Ministers.

NZ First will get four ministers inside Cabinet and one under-secretary role. The Greens get three ministers outside Cabinet and one under-secretary role.

Ms Ardern is hopeful that Labour's Trevor Mallard will be the next Speaker of the House. 

She said that Labour's 100 day plan will stay broadly the same, with one addition and one subtraction from it. 

The Labour leader intends for the new government to hold a referendum on legalising the personal use of cannabis by 2020. 

"I do not believe people should be imprisoned for personal use of cannabis," she said, however added that it can cause harm. 

Ms Ardern will speak to UK Prime Minister Theresa May later today, and has already spoken to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull who was "incredibly warm and friendly".
