Waikato DHB boss Nigel Murray quits

The boss of the Waikato District Health Board has quit after promising to repay $25,000 he overspent in relocation costs.

Chief executive Nigel Murray's resignation was immediate, the board announced on Thursday.

An independent inquiry found Dr Murray had spent more than the agreed $25,000 allocated for relocation costs, and other unauthorised expenses involving potential financial breaches of his obligations, it said.

"The board of Waikato DHB has accepted Dr Murray's resignation with immediate effect, on the basis that he repays all outstanding amounts."

Dr Murray's spending has been the scrutiny of media reports this year. He took leave at the end of July while it was investigated.

The board says it will immediately start looking for a new chief executive.

"The board acknowledges that this has been a challenging time for Waikato DHB staff and the Waikato community," it said in a statement.
