Comfort for distressed dogs in Kaikōura

Comfort for distressed dogs in Kaikōura

An animal charity is sending free comforters to distressed pets in Kaikōura following the 7.8 magnitude quake last week.

Carolyn Press-Mckenzie is the Founder of Helping You Help Animals (HUHA). It's been making the canine comforters with the help of inmates at Rimutaka Prison, to help dogs keep warm and cosy and reduce stress after the quake.

The coats provide comfort to dogs by squeezing pressure points and relaxing them.

Anna Thomas has two dogs in Kaikōura who have been sent some comforters from HUHA.

Ms Thomas says following the quakes her dogs were "jumpy and nervous all the time". They've been on edge and "petrified of it all".

She heard about the canine comforters through the charity's Facebook page and says it's great people are thinking about the animals as well as people.
