'Get your mental health right' - National MP's advice for Todd Barclay

A National Party backbencher MP had advice for his beleaguered colleague Todd Barclay - take a break and look after your mental health.

Chris Bishop offered up the advice for Mr Barclay under questioning from Wallace Chapman on BackBenches, a political show usually hosted at the Wellington Backbencher pub.

The pair have a few things in common - both are backbenchers who joined Government at the same time and both have previously worked as tobacco lobbyists.

When asked what advice he'd give Mr Barclay, Mr Bishop answered: "Have a good break and get your mental health right."

The advice to take a break is somewhat ironic - Mr Barclay has faced criticism for avoiding interviews and public appearances since the tape scandal broke a month ago.

Mr Barclay has told media he will return to Parliament next week. On Monday, he posted an image of himself at his electorate office on Facebook.