Time running out for missing submarine

  • 21/11/2017

The search is continuing for an Argentinian navy submarine after sounds detected close to where it went missing aren't believed to have come from the ill-fated vessel. 

Forty four crew are on board the submarine, which went missing in the South Atlantic five days ago. 

It was thought sounds detected by a search vessel in the area resembled objects being smashed against a submarine's hull, but hope it came from the missing vessel was dashed after analysis found the noise wasn't metallic. The navy says the source of the mysterious sound is "biological". 

It's a disappointing blow for the family members of the crew who are yet to find out the fate of their loved ones. The five-day search has entered what the navy says is a "critical phase", as the submarine only has seven days worth of oxygen reserves.

A huge number of international ships and planes are braving waves as high as 10m off the coast of Patagonia, where the submarine was last heard from.
