Critics question Kiwis' motives for joining Gaza aid convoy

  • Breaking
  • 15/08/2010

By Dave Goosselink

Critics are questioning the motives of a Kiwi group planning to join an aid convoy to the Gaza Strip.

Six New Zealanders will take part in the international road trip from London, but some are dismissing the campaign as little more than a political stunt.

It is being sold as a ‘feelgood Kiwi response’ to provide humanitarian aid to the Middle East; six Kiwis plan to join a 500-vehicle convoy to Gaza.

“The need to bring this humanitarian aid is because there is a siege on Gaza, which is inflicted by their neighbours, and we see the need to break that siege,” Kia Ora Gaza captain Roger Fowler says.

Months on from the controversial flotilla raid, an international maritime blockade is still in place.

But Israel says there is no blockade for humanitarian aid, and critics believe the convoy is politically motivated.

“There are 250 trucks per day going into Gaza from Israel, so that the 500 that Roger talked about is just a drop in the bucket,” says David Zwartz a former Israel Counsel.

Campaigners hope to raise a $100,000 to fund the trip, but questions are being raised over those donations and Mr Zwartz isn't convinced the campaign is the best vehicle for Kiwi donations.

“I would say that $100,000 given to the Pakistan aid relief will help one million children, instead of going to the diesel fuel and trucks to drive 4,000 kilometres from London to deliver aid which can be delivered much more efficiently through the International Red Cross,” he says.

The New Zealanders are still planning to join the road trip in London next month.

3 News

source: newshub archive