The Secret of Moonacre review

  • Breaking
  • 24/09/2009

Reviewed by Kim Choe

Princesses, pearls, castles, and unicorns – The Secret of Moonacre has everything a nine-year-old girl could want in a movie. It is an adaptation of children’s fantasy novel The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge, and tells the story of Maria Merryweather (Dakota Blue Richards), a naïve but feisty city girl who is orphaned and sent to live with her uncle in the countryside of Victorian England.

At first, Sir Benjamin Merryweather (Ioan Gruffudd) is a begrudging host. He seems cold and cruel, but when he sends Maria up the dusty, winding staircase to her lonely bedroom in the castle’s tower, we realise there is more to the story than first appears. The Merryweather clan is embroiled in a centuries-long feud with the De Noir family, and it falls upon young Maria to resolve the conflict – or watch Moonacre Valley destroyed for good. To do this, she must overcome her fear of furry four-legged creatures, outsmart her overly anxious governess, and venture far into enemy territory.

This is a G-rated Romeo and Juliet; a tale of star-crossed lovers without the bloodshed or tragedy, and with a good does of magic thrown in. And a happy ending, of course. The goodies vs. baddies story doesn’t deliver any great surprises, and on a couple of occasions was dragged down by scenes as long as the trains of Maria’s dresses. But the larger-than-life characters should be lovable and adventurous enough to keep a young audience entertained, and the lush colours and elaborate costumes give it the impression of being lifted straight from the pages of a storybook.

At various points during the film, I was reminded of The Princess Bride, Harry Potter, and The Chronicles of Narnia. It is nowhere near as impressive as any of these, nor is it as much of a spectacle as director Gabor Csupo’s previous adaptation of another children’s fantasy, Bridge to Terabithia. But it will be a refreshing change to the high-gloss animated films on offer these school holidays.

Two stars.

    The Secret of Moonacre
:: Director: Gabor Csupo
:: Starring: Dakota Blue Richards, Tim Curry, Ioan Gruffudd
:: Running Time: 103 mins
:: Rating: PG
:: Release Date: September 24, 2009
:: Official site: Click here

source: newshub archive