Birmingham Commonwealth Games: Kiwi cyclist Bryony Botha sent flying in nasty collision at velodrome

  • 02/08/2022

Kiwi gold medallist Bryony Botha's bid to add to her haul in the women's 10km scratch race on Tuesday (NZ time) has ended in a strew of bikes and bodies.

In the second big crash at the velodrome in as many days, Botha launched over the top of fellow competitor Meenakshi Meenakshi of India, who had gone down hard after being clipped by another bike.

Botha - who won the women's 300m individual pursuit on Monday - did her best to swerve Meenakshi by riding to the inside of the track but the Indian slid right into her path, leaving her no choice but to run her over in a nasty collision that sent her tumbling over her handlebars.

The race was temporarily stopped to clear the carnage. The Kiwi suffered minor injuries and was able to walk away under her own duress, while Meenakshi had to be stretchered off the track.

Botha's teammate Michaela Drummond came in second to claim a silver medal in the event, adding a 13th to the NZ team's impressive total at the track.

The incident follows the pileup during Monday's men's 15km scratch race, when England's Matt Wells was sent into the crowd, with Kiwi George Jackson narrowly escaping unscathed.