Bill English says texts to Todd Barclay staffer deleted

Prime Minister Bill English says he has no record of the alleged 450 texts he sent to Glenys Dickson, the woman at the centre of the Todd Barclay secret recording scandal.

When asked if he deleted them he repeatedly replied "I don't a have record of them".

"The relevant material I've given to the police, and they haven't come and asked for anything else."

Asked if he had destroyed the text messages that could be evidence, he replied "There's no suggestion of the need for the texts or what's happened to them".

In June, police reopened the investigation into Mr Barclay's alleged secret recordings of Ms Dickson.

Mr English says he'll speak with police about the texts if he is asked to.

"There's been a 10-month police investigation and I've responded to the police, and I'm satisfied with those responses."

More to come.
