Most male MPs haven't been asked about babies

Newshub asked male MPs what they thought about Labour leader Jacinda Ardern being questioned about her plans to have children - and whether they had been asked the same question.

Green co-leader James Shaw was not impressed when asked if he had children: "You know, it's not okay to ask and I think you know that," he said. "So I'm not going to answer the question."

Many of the male MPs said it wasn't appropriate.

When asked whether having a nine-month-old baby affected his ability to do his job Labour's Chris Hipkins said "Not one jotter, and no one has ever asked me if it has.

"It's the 21st century; no one has ever asked me that and I wouldn't expect them to ask that of any Member of Parliament, whether they're a man or woman," he continued.

"It's time to get over it - this is absolutely pathetic that anyone is even questioned whether someone can be an MP or Prime Minister based on whether they or not they're likely to have children."

National's Paul Goldsmith has four children and said he has been asked by the public about his kids before but never by the media.

"It takes quite a bit of juggling actually and it's hard to be away from them as much as I am," he said.

ACT leader David Seymour said he does "definitely" want to have kids one day and said it will impact his ability to do his job.

"It definitely does but I think we should live in a world where everyone can do their job and have children regardless of gender."

Labour MP Grant Robertson said it's not an appropriate question: "I was very fortunate to inherit a couple of stepchildren and a few grandchildren, but to answer the second question you're going to ask me that should not be a relevant factor at all in either becoming an MP or any job that you do."

Prime Minister Bill English said "I think it's entirely her business. Politics is tough on families, it's tough on relationships, and people out in the public eye benefit from a bit of support rather than questions that are about their private business."

National MP Chris Bishop said "People's family circumstances should be off limits."

Labour deputy Kelvin Davis asked, "Do I look pregnant?! That's what I'm concerned about if people ask whether I'm going to have kids... I just think it's a stupid, sexist comment to make and there's no place for it in 2017 to ask a woman those sorts of questions."


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