A text message sent on behalf of National's Paula Bennett has sparked privacy concerns, and a complaint has been made to the Electoral Commission.
The message was sent to Ms Bennett's constituents in Upper Harbour. It urges the recipients to support Paula Bennett and the National party, and says "I got your number from the electoral roll."
One person who received the text has claimed that they could see at least 40 other phone numbers.
A spokesperson for the Electoral Commission said the commission will be looking into the complaint.
The spokesperson said the text message falsely claims that the phone numbers were found through the electoral roll.
"It is factually incorrect to say that phone numbers are from the electoral roll. The Commission would like to assure people that phone numbers provided to the Commission are not released to anyone."
Ms Bennett said that the text message was "poorly worded".
"The text was sent by one of my volunteers as part of our normal phoning and texting of voters. Unfortunately one lot went as an iMessage which means the 40 numbers could be seen. No names or any other details were disclosed," she said.
"The names came from the electoral role but the numbers were collected through a range of different ways. The message should have been clearer. It came from a volunteer for the National Party from their own phone, in their own time."