Star Wars: Rogue One trailer

Jyn Erso
Jyn Erso

"This is a rebellion, isn't it? I rebel."

So says Jyn Erso, who has been revealed as the second consecutive female lead in a Star Wars film -- this December's Rogue One.

Set shortly before the events of the original 1977 film A New Hope, the film centres on a mission to investigate the Empire's devastating new weapon - the first Death Star.

Erso appears to have a troubled past, her crimes including forgery, theft, assault and resisting arrest -- setting her apart from The Force Awakens' good-girl Rey.

The trailer features a spot-on recreation of the Yavin 4 rebel base, AT-AT walkers, classic-era stormtroopers and even a samurai of some sort -- who appears to be fighting with an old-school stick, rather than lightsaber.

It closes with a variation of 'The Imperial March', suggesting Darth Vader himself could make an appearance -- though he's nowhere to be seen in the trailer.

Star Wars: Rogue One trailer

Rogue One is the first of a series planned standalone Star Wars films, which sit outside of the main storyline following the Skywalker clan.

Watch the trailer.