Netflix and chill leading to less 'Netflix and chill'


Contrary to the growing popularity of the innuendo 'Netflix and chill', a UK-based survey has found a link between the growing availability of TV and a downturn in reported sexual activity.

Streaming services such as Netflix provide a wide array of media content at any hour, so time you used to spend cosying up to your partner is now being spent with a screen between you.

That's according to statistics professor David Spiegelhalter from the University of Cambridge.

"It's generally thought now that this mass of connectivity that we now have, the constant checking of our phones, the amount of entertainment going on all at once, compared with just a few years ago when the TV used to close down at 10:30pm and there was nothing else to do, has affected the frequency of our sex."

It's led to a distinct downward trend in sexual activity, he says.

"People think 'I'm going to watch the entire second season of Game of Thrones'."

Britain's National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (NATSAL) questioned 15,000 sexually active people.

For those aged 16-44, on average, people were having sex five times in a month in 1990. In 2000, it had dropped to four times. In 2010, it was just three.

"At this rate by 2030 couples are not going to be having any sex at all, which is a very worrying trend," Prof Spiegelhalter says.

It's also suggested an increase in depression rates could be linked to the drop in sexual activity.


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