RHOAKL episode 3 recap: Drama and joy at 'pussy party'

Michelle vs Angela at the Real Housewives of Auckland pussy party

The Real Housewives of Auckland rift is only getting wider, with the "plus size" drama created in the first episode exploding with a new ferocity.

In the latest episode, seemingly out-of-the-blue, Michelle tells Angela: "pull your tummy in sweetie".

Angela replies that she is a size 10, which agitates Michelle, who tells her to "get over it" and "you're more like a size 12".

"I'm not saying you're fat," continues Michelle, as Gilda smirks beside her.

"There's nothing wrong with being plus size; nothing wrong with it whatsoever. You seem to be ashamed of it."

The third episode kicks off in true Real Housewives style - with a wealthy older lady feeding a cat named Champagne gourmet roast chicken, as her male human companion complains the feline is getting his favourite bit.

The housewife doing the feeding is Anne, the champagne lady with the frequent, maniacal laugh. She's probably the main character we've seen the least of so far in the series, mainly thanks to her sitting out of the major conflicts.

This time, she's the main event.

The episode focuses not on a posh meal as the first two did, but rather a Pussy Galore party - a fundraising event Anne holds for her pussies.

As it happens, if you don't like the word "pussy", this episode is not for you - it's uttered what seems like dozens, nay, hundreds of times.

Anne sure loves her many, many cats and ahead of the party she takes a fairly unwilling Michelle on a tour of her 'Pussy Palace'.

"It's like a cat brothel," bemoans a highly-displeased Michelle, who also tells the audience directly: "I don't do cats."

"It smelt like pussy, alright - it stunk!" said Michelle after almost throwing up.

Anne confesses to taking a "perverse pleasure" in putting Michelle out of her comfort zone, while Michelle appears to be considerably playing up her unhappiness for the cameras.

Her tabby tribulations are quickly forgotten when she feasts her eyes on Anne's mink fur garment collection, however, and all is well again.

Next up, Botox fan Julia invites Anne and Louise to a science lab where she's having her latest beauty treatment performed.

It's a grotesque segment, not for the faint-hearted; lightened only by Anne finally airing her grievance at Julia's "gold digger" gossiping in the previous episode. Of course, Julia is miffed, and makes her ill feelings very clear to a make-up artist later.

Next we check in with the show's unexpected villain, Angela - this time with a new sidekick. Last week we met her magical healer Karen, who became an instant Twitter celebrity thanks to her bizarre psychic dagger ritual. This week, it's her adorable French PA Lea.

Her intro is brief, but Lea seems likely to also win the hearts of viewers. Her accompanying Angela to the Pussy Galore event does not go down well with Anne, however.

But after a brief power outage, the party starts off well, with the often caustic Michelle even exclaiming "I'm loving this vibe already!"

Then Gilda arrives.

After last week's episode, she's unhappy with both Louise and Angela, and she does not hide it.

"Sourpuss," Angela labels her.

Although we still don't know what the censored insult was last week, it must have been extreme. Louise understands and wants to get it out of the way quickly, so she pulls Gilda aside for a chat, which seems to smooth things over.

Angela, however, is not keen on burying the hatchet.

After the needless body-shaming by Michelle (described above), Angela fires up. All of a sudden she's leaning into Gilda's face, yelling unpleasantness.

Anne is alarmed that the bickering is distracting from her party and, armed with a mic, skilfully brings it to an end. Not long after, thousands of dollars are raised through an auction and more fancy booze is drunk, then all the Real Housewives give the dancefloor their all to a terrible Hello Sailor cover.

It's a nice break from the first two episodes which both ended with climactic arguments. This one ends with merriment.

"Best Pussy Galore party ever!" declares Anne, triumphantly.

We can't help but feel this mirth will be replaced with yet more arguing in next week's episode, particularly after Angela dropped the show's first C-bomb this week while talking about Gilda.


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