Shane Hales: Rock-and-roll icon five decades on

It's been nearly five decades since Shane Hales' hit song 'Saint Paul', but the local celebrity and self-proclaimed "Facebook freak" has still got it.

On Monday Hales, or just Shane as he's known by fans, was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queen's Birthday honours.

"I'm so surprised and thrilled to pieces, I'm over the moon," the rock-and-roll icon told Newshub.

"Fifty-two years on and it's all been worthwhile. I never thought I'd be still performing in, what are we now, 2017? It's crazy."

Shane's music career started in 1965 with an Australian band called the Pleazers, but was given a boost four years later with his number one record, 'Saint Paul'.

It's a song that's still requested now, at Shane's near-weekly gigs at Auckland bars and pubs.

"I just have to play it."

A string of hits followed and Shane still gets stopped on the street on a regular basis, but stays close to his loyal fan base, whom he considers good friends.

The 70-year-old's honour commends his annual North Shore concerts which have raised more than $50,000 for the Hospice Society - a figure Shane says is actually closer to $70,000 now.

"At my age now I'm not interested in [going] out there to make a dollar for myself and all that sort of stuff, you know, being famous or anything," he said.

"And I'm getting closer to maybe needing the hospice, so I'm going to help them out."

The award also recognises Shane acting as a mentor to younger singers. Shane says they've got it tough, compared to his day.

"There's no star machine quite like there used to be. We were all out there, our faces were on TV every week and there was only one channel on TV at that stage, so you had pretty much the whole thing to yourself."

But he says the internet is a definite marketing advantage, and one he's jumped on himself.

"Oh yeah, I'm a Facebook freak, check it out. Shane Hales. Have a look. Become a friend."
