Which co-star did the real life Warner have a crush on while filming Legally Blonde?

  • 06/09/2017
Warner from Legally Blonde
Matthew Davis said he was in love with co-star Selma Blair. Photo credit: Warner Bros.

It's been 15 years since Reese Witherspoon first graced our screens as Elle Woods, but the cast of Legally Blonde are still as iconic today as they were then.

It was then we met Warner Huntington III, as the playboy who had two beautiful women fighting over him, but as actor Matthew Davis has revealed, there was a whole different love story happening behind the scenes.

Davis told News.com.au that he had a huge crush on Selma Blair, who played his onscreen fiancée Vivian Kensington.

"I absolutely loved and adored Selma," Davis says.

"I developed a crush on her at the time but she was with someone else. I think she was dating the guy from Rushmore [actor Jason Schwartzman] but he was coming around and I was kind of like 'who is this guy?!'"

He said came down to Blair's sense of humour, proclaiming her to be the "funniest person on set".

"I love a very dry, dark sense of humour, so she had me in stitches the whole time... She was the bees' knees," he gushed.

That's not to say he didn't have love for his other costars, adding that he "fanboyed out" over Reese Witherspoon.

"I felt starstruck by all this because it happened so quickly and I hadn't adjusted. I definitely wasn't cool. At the first table read, I just kept going on and on about how much I loved her work, fawning all over her."
