US Election 2020: Joe Biden's team sell merchandise starring fly on Mike Pence's head

Biden and his team were quick to get on board with Twitter fly memes and merch. Photo credit: Twitter - @JoeBiden /

US Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign team has sold 15,000 fly swatters after a now-famous fly stole the show during Thursday's (NZT) vice-presidential debate. 

The fly rested on Republican Vice President Mike Pence's head for over two minutes while he debated with Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris. 

Not long after the fly was spotted, Twitter was flooded with memes, including from Biden.

"Pitch in $5 to help this campaign fly," Biden tweeted alongside a picture of himself holding a fly swatter and a link to donate to his campaign. 

Twitter users were enthusiastic about Biden getting involved with the trolling of Pence, one user saying Biden's social media team needed a raise "right now!"

But Biden and his team weren't just going to leave it at a few jokes. His campaign team added a blue fly swatter that reads "truth over flies" on the handle to their merch site.

The phrase is a take on the Biden campaign slogan "truth over lies."

The swatter, priced at $USD10 and available to buy on Biden's merch site was an instant hit and has already sold out. 

Biden's team advertised it on social media using crafty sayings: "Don't let this debate buzz off," one graphic read. 

According to the deputy director of marketing for the Democratic National Committee, Zach McNamara, 15,000 swatters were sold by Thursday evening (NZT). 

McNamara said on Twitter that while the swatter was just for fun, it's still part of a serious campaign with deeper meaning.

"This item was a good bit of fun, but what's really important about it is what it alludes to - that truth prevails over lies."

After tweeting "," a link redirecting to the US voting register site, Biden ended the night of puns on a serious note.

"@KamalaHarris, you made us all proud tonight."


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