Oprah interview: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's claims come under scrutiny

The world has continued to pore over the details of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's interview and fact-check the most jaw-dropping allegations.

As royal commentators warn, the Royal Family may not ever recover from this latest attack, likening it to Princess Diana's infamous 1995 tell-all.

Markle mirrored her late mother-in-law once more with her own gasp-inducing revelations.

Tell-alls are the Royal Family's kryptonite. And the verdicts are in - this is the worst yet.  

"If I was the palace publicist, I would not be sleeping tonight," publicist Jane Owen says.

"I think they've unleashed hell," according to True Royalty TV's Nick Bullen.

"Is this worse than Princess Diana's interview with Martin?" ITV's royal correspondent Chris Ship asks. "Yes, I think it is."

Because this interview alleged racism at the heart of the palace, prompting many - including the Māori Party - to call time on the monarch.

"I mean it is the Crown, I don't know why anyone's surprised that the Crown is racist," Māori Party co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer says.

But the truth of it all is still being tested.

"There was a lot of use of the word truth, obviously it's the truth as they see it," royal biographer Robert Hardman says.

Among the headline moments, Meghan revealed she and Harry were secretly married by the archbishop three days before the wedding we all watched.

"Just the three of us," she told Winfrey.

There's a question mark here, because the Church of England requires two witnesses for a legal marriage.

The Church of England requires two witnesses for a legal marriage. Photo credit: Getty

Much was also made of Archie being stripped of his birthright.

"They didn't want him to be a prince or princess," she told Winfrey.

But it's not his birthright. The title is only automatic for the children and grandchildren of the sovereign. Archie can still become a prince if Charles becomes King. 

And as for Meghan's claims over what that meant for Archie's safety, being prince or princess does not equal free protection. Just ask Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who pay for their own. 

And finally, allegations the palace refused to defend the couple have been keenly contested by royal correspondents.

One tweeted the Sussex press team "again and again, told me things were wrong", forcing the story to be pulled.

"I think this is an interview we'll still be discussing in 10-20 years time," a royal expert says.

Perhaps by then Jacinda Ardern will be willing to weigh in.

"It's really a matter for them and not for my comment," the Prime Minister says.

The Māori Party is making it a matter for all of New Zealand.

"Gotta rise up, baby it's a revolution," says Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi.

It may not be a revolution, but it's sure to be rattling the gates of Buckingham Palace.

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