Piers Morgan catches COVID-19 at Euro finals, despite being vaccinated

He believes he caught the virus at Wembley Stadium.
He believes he caught the virus at Wembley Stadium. Photo credit: Getty Images

Piers Morgan has tested positive for COVID-19, with the controversial broadcaster saying he believes he became infected with the virus while watching the Euro Championship final at Wembley Stadium.

The 56-year-old, who had already received two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, told the Mail on Sunday he experienced a fever, chills and violent coughing and sneezing fits after becoming infected with what he thinks is the Delta variant around two weeks ago.

"As I'm sure everyone who gets it feels, it's a strange, disquieting moment to know I have this killer virus inside me," he said in the Mail on Sunday.

He said he believed only fully vaccinated people, or people with negative tests, would be allowed in to watch the football match at the stadium, but after seeing a number of people at the stadium breach security his "confidence that the event would be 'COVID-safe' had disintegrated".

He started showing symptoms two days after the match and tested positive four days after attending the stadium.

"This is definitely the roughest I've felt from any illness in my adult life, but as I slowly come out the other side, coughing and spluttering, I'm still here – unlike so many millions around the world who've lost their lives to COVID in this pandemic."

Last year Morgan criticised the UK's handling of the pandemic and praised New Zealand's approach to combating the virus.

"I wish we had a leader like Jacinda Ardern," he wrote on Twitter.

Last week the UK eased the majority of its COVID-19 regulations in what was dubbed "Freedom Day".

The move has sparked concern from many scientists and health experts, however, as the country sees a recent rise in infections due to the highly infectious delta variant.