Queen Elizabeth II wrote a secret hidden letter which can only be opened in 2085

The Queen, smiling while writing.
Queen Elizabeth has written a secret letter that won't be opened for another 63 years. Photo credit: Getty Images

The Queen has penned a secret letter which can't be opened until 2085.

The handwritten note was finished in November 1986 and is hidden inside a glass case in the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney's CBD.

It's addressed to the Lord Mayor of Sydney and comes with instructions handwritten by the Queen herself.

"On a suitable day to be selected by you in the year 2085 AD, would you please open this envelope and convey to the citizens of Sydney my message to them."

The note is simply signed "Elizabeth R".

The Queen Victoria Building was opened in 1898 in Australia and was named in honour of the then Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.

The letter was written upon the QVB's restoration in 1986 and was only to be opened 99 years later.

Queen Elizabeth died on Thursday (local time) at her Balmoral home in Scotland.

Her son, Charles, has now been crowned the King in the wake of her death. Her funeral is to take place on Monday, September 19 (local time).