'Contrived and phony': James Corden accused of telling 'massive lie again' by Balthazar restaurant owner Keith McNally

Restaurant owner Keith McNally has reignited his feud with James Corden.
Restaurant owner Keith McNally has reignited his feud with James Corden. Photo credit: Getty Images

New York restaurateur Keith McNally says James Corden is "contrived and phoney" as their row over his alleged behaviour at the restaurant Balthazar continues to escalate.

Last week, Corden said it was his wife's "serious food allergy" that caused him to make allegedly demeaning comments to wait-staff at the New York restaurant, comments that later saw him banned from the premises for 24 hours.

The Late Late Show host spoke publicly on his show about the allegations made against him by Balthazar restaurant owner Keith McNally.

Corden apologised, saying it was never his "intention" to upset the staff when he sent back his wife's order.

However, despite the two apparently appearing to bury the hatchet over the disagreement, McNally has now accused Corden of telling "a massive lie again" in a post to his Instagram.

"I don't want to over-egg the pudding, but in Friday's London Times Corden flip-flopped and told a massive lie AGAIN," McNally shared online.

 I never screamed at anyone, I didn’t shout, didn’t call anyone a name or swear or use derogatory language… How is it remotely a thing? When that person who posted the story wasn’t even there.

"On second viewing, I found his TV "confessional" contrived and phoney. The actor will say anything to save his bacon.

"In the scheme of things my opinion means nothing, but after Friday's interview and a second look at his fraudulent confessional, I've given up on James Corden. For good," McNally said.

Corden has not responded to the latest comments, nor has McNally said whether the TV host will be welcomed back to his restaurants.

It seems unlikely Corden will be heading back anytime soon though.

The Daily Mail reported the Gavin and Stacey star is selling his US home and returning to the UK next year after the expiration of his current contract with The Late Late Show.