'Too messed up': Jeremy Renner posts first picture from hospital after snow plough incident

A smiling and bruised Jeremy Renner
Jeremy Renner has shared a picture from his hospital bed. Photo credit: Instagram

Jeremy Renner has shared a photo from his hospital bed after being seriously injured in a snow plough incident.

On Instagram the Hawkeye actor wrote: "Thank you all for your kind words. I'm too messed up now to type. But I send love to you all."

In the picture, Renner has a bruised left eye and cuts down his left cheek.

The incident with a snow plough on New Year's Day happened at his home in Reno and left the two-time Oscar nominee suffering chest trauma and orthopaedic injuries.

The picture came at the same time as local police in Renner's home town held a press conference to reveal more details of what had happened to the Avengers star.

"We do not believe Mr Renner was impaired at all and we believe this is a tragic accident," Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam said as he detailed more of the investigation which was currently underway.

Earlier on Wednesday (local time), it was revealed Renner had been helping a stranded motorist when he was injured.

The first details of the incident revealed Renner had been using his Sno-Cat to free a vehicle of his, which was being driven by a family member, from being stuck in snow near his Mt Rose home.

Police said up to three feet of snow had fallen in the area.

Balaam said Renner had gotten out of the Sno-Cat and was talking to the motorist when it started to roll forward. Police said the machine which weighed 14,000 pounds (6350kg) had started to slip forward and Renner had tried to stop it, leading to him being injured.

"We don't suspect any foul play" police said.