Former MP Steven Joyce jokes he'd 'forgotten' about being hit in the face by a dildo

Former Minister of Finance and National Party MP Steven Joyce comically suggested he had "completely forgotten" about being hit in the face with a sex toy in 2016 while promoting his new book, On the Record.

Joyce famously had the rubber dildo thrown at him by a protestor during an interview at Waitangi.

Speaking on The Project NZ, Joyce was asked by host Kanoa Lloyd about his lowlights while in Parliament.

When Joyce answered "Novopay", Lloyd was incredulous, saying she'd just wanted him to say the dildo incident.

"I'd forgotten about it - I'd completely forgotten," he claimed, much to the surprise of the show's hosts.

"It was just weird, it was so quiet," he said looking back on the incident.

"There was just two cops standing there with their arms folded - there was absolutely nothing going on, no protests whatsoever. It was just us having a yarn with a few journalists.

"I was just standing there, I didn't even know what it was and everybody looked down together.

It hit one of the journalists and it fell to the floor, and we were all just looking at it

"Everybody was trying to process it and I was obviously trying to process it because I had to say something.

"I thought what do you say, so I said 'good-oh'."

Joyce also confessed he had hoped the cameras hadn't caught the incident because "it happened really fast".

"I said to Nathan Guy who was walking with me 'Do you think the cameras caught that?'

"And he goes 'yep'."

Watch the full interview above.