Kiwi comedian Mel Bracewell swears on live TV with Australian PM Anthony Albanese

New Zealand comedian Melanie Bracewell has apologised after swearing in front of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during a live TV broadcast.

Albanese was on Australian current affairs comedy show The Cheap Seats with hosts Bracewell and Tim McDonald on Monday night.

At one point, McDonald presented Albanese with what he suggested was Bracewell's Australian citizenship paperwork and asked for the PM's signature of approval.

"Would you mind just looking at that," he said as Bracewell chimed in: "Just a couple of little squiggles."

After Albanese said he wouldn't mind and signed the papers, he told Bracewell: "We've made it easier, we've made it far easier. And 4000 Kiwis are now Australian citizens."

As Bracewell leaned back, her microphone and pack fell off, hitting the chair and making a thump.

"F**k," she said, to the horror of McDonald.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to swear in front of you," she said as McDonald handed back the papers and told Albanese.

"Feel free to write denied on that now," he said, before Albanese crossed out his earlier signature.

Bracewell shared the video online saying: "Sometimes you have a wardrobe malfunction and it's not a big deal, other times it's in front of the Prime Minister of Australia."

Commenters were quick to chime in with one telling her: "Congrats on the shortest citizenship ever. Guinness will be in touch for your record."

"All part of the official swearing in ceremony," another said.