US singer Bobbi Storm nearly kicked off flight for singing, said she was 'doing what the Lord told me'

Gospel singer Bobbi Storm's singing caused issues on a US flight.
Gospel singer Bobbi Storm's singing caused issues on a US flight. Photo credit: Getty / TikTok

An American gospel singer has nearly been kicked off a Delta Airlines flight for refusing to stop singing her band's latest release. 

Bobbi Storm shared a video of her interaction with a flight attendant on Saturday (US time), in which she revealed to passengers she had just been nominated for two Grammy Awards for her song, 'We can't forget Him'. 

However, the video - which had been uploaded to TikTok - showed the head flight attendant asking Storm to "sit down and be quiet". 

Despite the calm request from the attendant, Storm politely asked if she would go to jail if she didn't comply. 

That prompted the steward to ask her: "Are you able to be quiet?" 

He then went on to tell her: "If you are not able to follow my instructions, you will not be taking this flight." 

Despite telling the attendant, "If that's the case, then that's fine," Storm waited for him to walk off before proceeding to sing her song quietly to the rest of the cabin as they waited to take off. 

She concluded by plugging her band and their latest album. The video ended after about four minutes and there was no sign of the return of the flight attendant. 

The New York Times reported Delta Airlines had been in contact with Storm following the publication of the video. 

"For the safety of our customers and crew, it's always important to follow crew instructions," the statement said. 

In another video, Storm said she had sung on-board before, arguing that "God had called" her to sing on this latest flight. 

She said the flight had started to taxi before being forced to return to the gate after a maintenance issue. 

After it was given the all-clear, she said "it was time for me to follow through with my mission". 

However, Storm has since come under fire from viewers, with some saying she "sounded entitled" during the video and should have complied with the safety requirements.