Eight out of 10 parents are in favour of healthy food policies being introduced in schools.
A Horizon Research Poll, carried out for the University of Auckland, reveals 78 percent are in favour of the Government requiring schools and childcare services to implement a healthy food policy.
Similarly it found 78 percent of the public in favour of the Government stopping or restricting the practice of using unhealthy food and drinks as fundraisers in schools.
Professor Boyd Swinburn, who specialises in population nutrition at the University of Auckland, says “The messages is clear - the New Zealand public want strong government leadership to ensure that what is served in the school canteen matches what is taught in the curriculum about healthy eating.”
“It makes a lot of sense to have schools acting as role models as part of a serious approach to reducing the unacceptably high rate of childhood obesity,”
The latest figures from the Heart Foundation show that about 60 percent are engaged in promoting healthy food policies, leaving 40 percent of schools not engaged in any voluntary healthy food scheme.
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