If you're the owner of a fat cat or have a hog for a dog, then it's time to check your pet's weight.
It's Pet Obesity Awareness Day and vets around the country are urging owners to cut out the calorific treats and crank up their pet's exercise.
Sapphire the pug and Pug the pug are now a shadow of their former selves. Once they struggled walking from the kitchen to the lounge, and now they move with ease.
After around 10 months of diet and exercise they've dropped five kilograms between them, and Kiwi vets say overweight Kiwi pets are a growing statistic.
It may seem amusing to some, but obesity in pets is just as dangerous as it is in humans. There is an increased risk of certain cancers and even a risk of diabetes.
Vets believe food scraps are the main culprit, and say giving your pet a small piece of cheese is like giving them a hamburger.
Watch the video for the full 3 News report.