A Christchurch woman who was in a coma for a month the United States has finally come home.
Cara-Joy Purkis was involved in a car crash on October 18 in Texas after driving through a stop sign intersection and colliding with an 18-wheeler truck. She had just dropped her boyfriend at the Midland Texas Airport before the incident.
Ms Purkis suffered a ruptured bladder, collapsed lung, spleen laceration, and broke her pelvis in two places.
She remained in a coma until medical testing determined she was conscience on November 16. She is still unable to speak, move or communicate on any cognitive level. The family rallied support and Ms Purkis' parents took out loans to get her back to New Zealand. She did not have any medical insurance while in the US.
Specialist air doctors flew with her from Texas all the way to Christchurch. Her father has also been by her side since the crash.
The flight home was diverted to Honolulu along the way due to a medical emergency not involving the 30-year-old.
A Givealittle page has been setup for Ms Purkis by her family. So far more than $7000 has been raised.
Ms Purkis' sister Simone Quentin de Manson says she will continue fundraising in order to pay back her parents loan. She was relieved to have Ms Purkis home and says her sister has a fighting spirit.
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