Different alcoholic drinks cause different moods - study

New research has found that what alcohol you drink can have different effects on your mood. 

The study, published in the British Medical Journal, comes as part of the annual Global Drug Survey, the world's largest research drug research project. It surveys 100,000 people from 35 countries around the world about their drug use - both legal and illegal.

Overall, nearly a third of spirit drinkers said their chosen tipple makes them aggressive, compared to just 7 percent of red wine drinkers.

Men were consistently found to emotionally respond to all spirits more strongly than any other alcohol, while woman "more frequently report feeling all emotions (except aggression) when drinking".

The majority of spirit drinkers also reported feeling "energetic" while most red wine drinkers reported feeling "relaxed" and "tired".

People drinking spirits were also twice as likely to report feeling "sexy" than those drinking beer.

The study also found a person's emotional response to alcohol was affected by their dependency on it.

"The odds of feeling the majority of positive and negative emotions also remained highest among dependent drinkers, irrespective of setting."

Vice Professor Adam Winstock, study co-author and head of the Global Drug Survey, cautions people to treat alcohol the same across the board. He says the findings probably relate to how much more alcohol is present in spirits compared to other drinks. 

"Alcohol is alcohol no matter the form, and acts on the brain in the same way."

The study also noted the data didn't take into account whether times of day or marketing had an influence on drinkers' emotional responses to different drinks.

Overall it seems it might be safer, if a little less 'sexy', to stick to beer.  


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