People who attended the Buller Festival have been warned they could have been exposed to mumps after a case has been confirmed in the Nelson Marlborough region.
The Nelson Marlborough Health Public Health Service has been notified of a case of the viral disease and is advising people who attended the festival in Murchison on 3-4 March to check their vaccination status, get immunised and be alert to symptoms.
NMHPHS Clinical Director Stephen Bridgman said an unimmunised person who attended the festival developed mumps, and could have exposed other festival-goers.
"It's really important to stay away from the workplace, early childhood centres, schools and other busy public places if you think you have the mumps," he says.
"Immunisation is the best way to protect yourself from mumps. If you were born after 1969, or are unsure if you are fully immunised, then check with your GP or medical centre and get immunised if you are not already."
Early symptoms of mumps include low-grade fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness and loss of appetite. Later, the salivary glands on one or both sides of the face, cheeks or jaw may become swollen and sore.
"If you develop any of these symptoms in the next two to four weeks please isolate yourself, and contact a doctor, who will probably call you in to have a swab taken, and give you further advice," Dr Bridgman says.
Parents are advised to check their children's Well Child health book or contact their family doctor to make sure their children have received two doses of the MMR vaccine, therefore being fully immunised.