Twins born in different years, months apart

Twin girls born more than three months apart - and in different years - are believed to have set a world record.

There's such a big gap between the non-identical German twins that Liana was born in on November 17 last year, and Leonie on February 22.

Liana was born prematurely when mum Oxana, from Cologne, was just 26 weeks pregnant. She weighed only 900g.

Oxana's cervix closed again and the unborn sister remained in the womb. Doctors determined that Oxana could still carry Leonie to term - 97 days later. Leonie ended up being born four days after her due date.

Both twins now weigh around 5.7kg and are doing well at home with their mother.

A spokesperson for the hospital, Cologne's Holweide, said medical staff expect Liana and Leonie to grow up healthy.
