Lifestyle and Wellbeing Quiz - Healthy Snacks

A rainbow of colours and textures in this vibrant and healthy snack board of fruit, vegetables, dips, nuts and olives. Citrus fruits, grapes, tropical fruits and berries add colour to the spread. Hazelnuts,almonds, walnuts, kalamata olives and home made dips of hummus, beetroot and pumpkin are surrounded by salad sliced for a fun, healthy way to snack. Raw healthy food, ready for a party.
Photo credit: Getty

Quiz: Do you have your finger on the pulse of the latest lifestyle news?

Test your food and wellness knowledge in a family fun way with this fun quiz about food suitable for children.

Countdown is here to help you out, with a quiz on Monday afternoon at snack time (3.30pm) to fuel your hunger for knowledge.

Visit Countdown to find out more about the latest life hacks, tips and tricks.

App user please click here to do quiz.