Dad from 'nappy-loving community' plans to fight court-ruled ban on seeing his children

The man claims he is being discriminated against due to his association with an adult community that celebrates wearing diapers. Photo credit: Getty Images

A father who has been banned from seeing his children due to his penchant for wearing nappies is planning to fight the ruling in Australia's High Court, arguing he is the victim of discrimination.

The man, who cannot be named, was prevented from seeing or contacting his children by the Family Court of Australia after his ex-wife took legal action against his odd proclivity for nappies - which is understood to be a fetish. 

His former spouse argued the behaviour will likely impact their children, who have been exposed to their father wearing nappies around the home. She added that her ex-husband has refused to see a counsellor for his odd exploits.

After deciding to end their relationship, the former couple agreed on a co-parenting arrangement - but his ex-wife warned he would need to hide his fetish from the children to ensure they weren't impacted by his behaviour.

However, that was not the case. She told the court in 2019 that the final straw was when he came to her home to collect their children with a nappy partially exposed, which prompted her to take legal action.

In 2021, the court decided to prohibit the man from seeing or contacting his children, a ruling he appealed. His appeal was rejected on April 13. 

Following the dismissal, the man claimed he will continue to fight his case in the High Court of Australia.

According to reports by local media, Justice Hilary Hannam, a judge on the Family Court, said the father has not "satisfactorily addressed the issues of risk" to his children.

"I have great reservations and ultimately do not accept that the father has an authentic willingness or ­capacity to disavow engaging in the behaviours in question and in his connections to the community," she said, according to reports.

In an email to the Daily Telegraph, the man condemned Justice Hannam's decision as "horrendous and unjust", arguing that his children would not be exposed to his fetish if the ban was reversed.

The man reportedly claimed he was being discriminated against because of his association with the 'Adult Baby-Diaper Lover' community.

"I feel for and have always respected other minority identities who have been persecuted or treated differently just for being who they are," he wrote, according to the outlet.

"What I choose to do in the privacy of my own home without any children present is my business. It is a harmless ­activity and affects no one."

In her decision, Justice Hannan said it was inevitable the children would be exposed to their father's behaviour, which would likely cause psychological harm.

She added that the children would be ridiculed if his links to the community were discovered.

The man has claimed the decision is a violation of his human rights. 

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