Labour MP Tāmati Coffey welcomes newborn baby girl, born five weeks early

Tāmati Coffey with his newborn daughter.
Tāmati Coffey with his newborn daughter. Photo credit: Facebook

Labour MP Tāmati Coffey and his partner Tim Smith have welcomed their second child, a baby girl, into the world five weeks early. 

Coffey posted the news on his Facebook page on Wednesday night saying, "And here she is. Made with love (and a little bit of science!)" 

"Mum and support crew doing well. Baby girl weighed in just under 3kgs and surprised us by being about 5 weeks early," Coffey wrote. 

The Rotorua-based MP said his daughter was born via a surrogate. 

"Another acknowledgment of the mana of our wahine who choose to give couples, like me and my partner Tim, the gift of life," Coffey wrote. 

"More and more couples are having kids this way, so the law still needs to be changed to streamline the process. As a lawmaker, those changes are my priority this year - now more than ever.

The current laws mean hopeful parents must go through several hoops before having a baby by surrogacy.

Newshub revealed last March that then-Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern promised to make major changes to our surrogacy and adoption laws.

Their first child, Tūtānekai Smith-Coffey, was born in 2019.