Knock, knock: Why LG's smart fridge is a game-changer

  • 31/03/2023
  • Sponsored by - LG NZ
Knock, knock: Why LG's smart fridge is a game-changer
Photo credit: Supplied

How many times have you caught yourself standing in front of the fridge door, holding it open and staring inside for way too long?

We're all guilty of that and now one of the most exciting features of LG's latest innovative fridge is a brilliant trick that'll make that habit a thing of the past, as well as impress the heck out of house guests.

The 637L French Door Fridge boasts InstaView Door-in-Door™, which means with two quick knocks on a sleek glass panel on the fridge's front, an interior light switches on and lets you see inside without opening the door.

"This fridge's real differentiator is how you can just knock, knock and see what's inside without losing any cold air," said Dylan Cruickshank, Category Marketing Manager at LG NZ.

"It's the first thing people wonder: 'Why is there a window on your fridge? Is it a screen?' You tell them to knock on it twice and they think you're joking, but when they do, it lights up and always wins them over.

"It builds on the previous feature of door-in-door so you can easily grab your favourite items like milk without losing as much cold air, because the aim of the game is to lose less cold air, keep the temperature more consistent and your food will last longer."

Clever storage gives this appliance plenty of room in both its fridge and freezer, with retractable shelves and extra space compartments providing convenient access to smaller items.

The most striking is the door-in-door, an easy access compartment that allows you to quickly get your hands on frequently used items without opening the full door.

That is on the right hand door along with the InstaView window, while on the left is the water and ice dispenser, which also boasts a cool new feature.

"In addition to having your regular cubed or crushed ice, this fridge has something called 'Craft Ice™'," said Cruickshank.

Knock, knock: Why LG's smart fridge is a game-changer
Photo credit: Supplied

"When you open up the freezer, there's a drawer that will store up to 30 spherical, large balls of ice. The first benefit of those is they look really good if you want to Instagram your drink, but they also melt much slower. So if you want to keep your drink nice and cold without diluting it, that's what you go for."

Beautiful large balls of Instagram-worthy ice and the very Instagrammable InstaView feature aren't where this fridge's aesthetic beauty stops. The whole thing has a stylish design that's great for entertaining.

"It's designed to perfectly match the rest of our products that have the same matte black finish, which is very popular in kitchens at the moment as an on trend colour," said Cruickshank.

As well as matte black, the LG French Door Fridge also comes in a black stainless finish.

As most of us are becoming more hygiene conscious, the water dispenser has a UV LED light built into it to automatically reduce up to 99.99 percent of bacteria from the nozzle.

And like seemingly everything else in your house these days, this fridge will connect to your Wi-Fi - but not just as a gimmick.

"We have the LG ThinQ app for our entire family of appliances. With fridges, it can send simple alerts on your phone or smartwatch, for example to let you know someone's left the fridge door open," said Cruickshank.

"It also lets you configure some of the finer features as well like dimming back the LEDs if they're too bright on the control panel or setting a temperature remotely."

Getting a new fridge is a big investment and one Kiwis should carefully consider. To help put them at ease, LG is offering a 10-year parts warranty on the Inverter Linear Compressor of the French Door Fridge.

You have to wonder how many times you'll get a guest to knock, knock on the front and be delighted with what happens next.

And how much time you will spend not standing in front of the open fridge door staring inside.

Article created in partnership with LG.