UK newspaper The Sun has released a poll showing which countries are the biggest drinkers in the world.
Of the 33 nations, the UK came in third in the category of "heavy episodic drinking", ahead of other countries like Germany, Australia and Ireland.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development says that alcohol consumption is a major risk and people should not drink more than 14 units per week - one unit equals 10ml of pure alcohol.
Topping the list was Denmark, with 37 percent of respondents saying they had six or more drinks in one sitting per month. Coming in second was Romania at 36 percent, and Britain and Luxembourg tied for third place at 35 percent.
When it came to the sexes, women from Denmark won again, but this time shared the win with their counterparts from the UK. Men from every nation drank more than women.
This article was amended because it incorrectly stated New Zealand was on the list of the world's biggest drinkers. The story has been amended accordingly.