Spark creativity with chalkboard fun

In a world where sustainability meets creativity, upcycling has become a popular trend. Embracing this spirit, DIY enthusiast Art Green has found an innovative way to repurpose everyday materials into functional blackboard desks for the kids - adding both utility and whimsy to playtime.

With just a few simple materials and a touch of imagination, these mini chalkboard desks can be easily crafted at home. By repurposing beer crates and utilizing Resene chalkboard paint, an eco-friendly and child-safe option, parents can create personalized spaces for their little ones to unleash their creativity.

Like what you see? Art’s upcycled creation will be up for charity auction starting 24th April 2024, with proceeds going to Springboard, a Mahurangi based charity that helps to create opportunities for young people to achieve positive outcomes and pathways to success.. Search for “AMShowNZ ” on Trade Me to find his other creations.

Article created in partnership with Resene

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