UK mum goes viral with controversial reasons for homeschooling kids, compares school to 'prison'

Cassy-Anne Clark screengrabs from viral TikTok video
A British mum has revealed why she decided to homeschool her two young daughters. Photo credit: @cassyanneclark / TikTok

A British mother has sparked controversy after revealing why she decided to homeschool her two young daughters, likening the traditional schooling system to a "prison".

In a video shared to TikTok, Cassy-Anne Clark - a Kent-based eyebrow tattooist, cosmetic injector and beautician - declared that she doesn't agree with some of the subjects taught in the curriculum, such as sex education and lessons on gender identity, and said more can be learned in the "outside world" than a classroom.

Her two daughters Bug and Bunny, aged eight and nine, were officially taken out of school earlier this year in favour of home tutoring.

"I don't agree with how they do the lessons, I don't agree with some of the lessons that they do... I think that school is a prison," Clark said in the video, which has since amassed over 434,000 views and almost 15,000 likes.

"A child sits in a classroom for eight hours a day, to be told not to speak to the person who sits next to them, to be told, 'No, you can't go to the toilet', and one hour a day in sunlight.

"I think a child would learn more from the outside world than sitting in a classroom learning about stuff they will probably never use again."

Clark added that while it was important to learn basic maths such as times tables, other forms of equations, such as algebra, can be worked out on a calculator or by asking Google.

"I think learning [teaching] a child to jump on an aeroplane and go and travel the world is more important than sitting a child in a classroom... I think as long as a child can read, write, can do times tables, has a bit of common sense, good social skills - they don't need to be in education for that amount of time.

"If my girls want to do their GCSEs, I'll put them straight for it... I actually didn't complete any GCSEs, because I got kicked out, but I am very intelligent. My girls have watched their mum and their family build incredible businesses. I haven't got one GCSE, but I've built multiple amazing businesses - so it just goes to show you don't need [education]."

She added that as "tomorrow isn't promised", she wants to focus on spending as much time with her children as possible and creating memories - instead of "sitting all their childhood in a classroom".

Clark reiterated that her decision had nothing to do with her family being from the travelling community.

One of her more divisive takes was that she didn't agree with education regarding gender identity - including lessons on what it means to be transgender - sexual identity and orientation. According to the current UK school curriculum, it is compulsory to teach "LGBT content" to ensure students understand different family dynamics and ways of identifying.

Clark explained that her daughters see a private tutor once a week who teaches them core subjects such as maths and English, which she said costs her around £400 (NZ$830) a month.

While many viewers agreed with Clark's opinions on homeschooling, others warned that removing your children from full-time education could lead to closed doors career-wise in the future. 

"My mum allowed me to drop out of education after my GCSEs and how I wish she'd encouraged me to stay on. It opens up so many more doors when you're older and want to start a career," one said in the comments.

"Serious question, do you feel equipped enough to prepare them for GCSE level to enable them to get grades if they wanted to be a Dr/dentist/vet (something highly qualified)?" another weighed in, to which Clark responded: "My girls will learn to OWN the vet not be the vet."

Clark, who has starred on the UK reality show Rich Holiday, Poor Holiday, is currently pregnant with her third child. She previously made headlines for losing seven stone while she was pregnant with Bunny by adopting a juice diet.