Why this Pepsi boss has a 'leave loudly' policy

Robbie Rietbroek, chief executive of PepsiCo for Australia and New Zealand. Photo credit: PepsiCo

The chief executive of PepsiCo for Australia and New Zealand is encouraging his executive team to 'leave loudly' when they head out of the office.

Robbie Rietbroek hopes the policy will allow everyone in the office to see that it's okay to head home on time, or even early in some cases.

Mr Rietbroek told The Telegraph: "Leaders Leaving Loudly is something we created to ensure that when team leaders leave, they feel comfortable doing so but also to declare it to the broader team."

He says he occasionally leaves work early to pick up his children from school, and encourages family-friendly and flexible policies in the workplace.

The company has an early finish Friday policy in the summer, and a 'one simple thing' policy where staff members can start or finish early if there's an important activity for them.

"You can choose one thing that’s really important to you and build your work life around that," Mr Rietbroek said.

"For our chief financial officer, it means every Friday morning he drops his daughter off at school and comes in a little later, say 10am."

For staff members without kids, they can be flexible to work around their hobbies like surfing when the conditions are good.

The Employment New Zealand website says flexible working arrangements can help companies to retain staff, lift morale and reduce absenteeism, and help employees achieve work-life balance.

All employees in New Zealand have a "right to request" flexible work arrangements and employers have a "duty to consider" them - however they can decline to do so if there is a good business reason. 


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