Christchurch's Redcliffs School fights against closure


Christchurch's Redcliffs School will deliver its final argument against closure to the Education Minister today.

The school was closed following the earthquakes and relocated to a temporary site, but it's desperate to return home to the heart of Redcliffs.

Education Minister Hekia Parata announced in November she had made an interim decision to close the school over concerns about potential disruption to students' education due to the unstable cliff-face behind the school.

The school's Board of Trustees has been given until today to provide a further submission, outlining reasons in favour of it remaining open.

Board Chair Mark Robberds says they've commissioned a new geotechnical report which addresses the Minister's concerns around potential disruption in the event of an earthquake.

"It has been a case of drawing out what the Minister's concerns are and providing cohesive and coherent answers to those concerns.

"There is no issue around safety on the site. That's been off the agenda for quite some time now because of the reports we've had in the past," he says.

"It's all around potential disruption and how we can deal with that in order to minimise it."

Mr Robberds says he's confident the Minister will make the right decision.

"The people who are supporting us are pretty hardened battlers for the cause, and we are a confident community of intelligent people who have read all the facts and read all the scientific reports."

Almost 4000 people have signed a petition against the closure, which will be sent to Prime Minister John Key.

Mr Robberds says there's been a groundswell of support.

"People around the country are starting to realise that this could be an issue which could affect other schools as well."
