Monster swordfish caught by Kiwi smashes world records

The host of a New Zealand fishing show has broken a 65-year-old world record by catching a monster broadbill swordfish.

Nicky Sinden now holds the title of biggest ever swordfish caught by a woman.

It took an hour to get it alongside but it was too big for the boat, so they towed it home.

"After hanging for five minutes, it actually broke the weight station and the fish plunged into the water," Ms Sinden told Newshub.

It also broke two records. At 361kg, it's the biggest swordfish ever caught by a woman and the world's biggest caught on a 60kg line.

"This particular record hasn't been broken for 65 years so I was very happy when this fish chose my line," Ms Sinden said.

But where do you put such a catch?

It's hard to comprehend the size of the swordfish. Photo credit: Newshub.

She tried the living room but it was too big, so she gave it to her sponsor.

Not mounted is the original sword, or broadbill, which is buried in Ms Sinden's vege garden.

"I am just letting it sort of decay and little worms have a nibble, and then I am going to get it mounted."

Ms Sinden says she never intended to keep the massive catch, but the fish was dying.

"If the hook was nestled in the corner of the mouth and had lots of energy, then of course we would let it go, that was our intention for the day, but the fish has swallowed the hook."

So she kept her piece of history, but it doesn't mean hanging up the rod.

"I am addicted to fishing and there is always going to be another fish out there," Ms Sinden said.


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