Charity releases disturbing 'dog-roping' campaign video

  • 18/10/2017

An animal welfare charity has released a confronting video showing tied up dogs taking part in a rodeo.

The disturbing footage shows a dog with a rope around its neck being choked and another tied up on the ground.

Text appears on the screen saying "Don't worry dog roping doesn't really happen".

Then footage of calf-roping is introduced, showing a calf being choked by a rope at a rodeo and another with three of its legs tied up on the ground.

"Calves feel stress, pain and fear," the SAFE video says, "If dog roping is cruelty calf roping is cruelty."

The charity want an end to rodeos in New Zealand, as the start of the rodeo season approaches this Labour weekend.

SAFE campaign director Mandy Carter says "There would be overwhelming national outrage if dogs were treated the way farmed animals are...this is exactly the type of brutal treatment calves will be subjected to at rodeos across New Zealand over the rodeo season."

The charity wants the Government to consider a rodeo ban, saying that the welfare of calves, steers, bulls, and horses is compromised every time there is a rodeo in New Zealand.

Ms Carter says that rodeo teaches people that it's okay to abuse animals for fun.

The SPCA has a policy against all rodeo events, while bans have been implemented in parts of Europe, Australia, Brazil, Canada and the US.

Organisers of rodeos have previously argued the events are a way of bringing small towns business, and say the animals don't suffer pain.
