Tauranga iwi protest Govt plans to reassign their land

Hundreds of people from Tauranga iwi took part in a hikoi to Parliament on Tuesday, angry over what they say are Government plans to assign some of their land to rival iwi.

A hikoi is a protest march or parade, usually implying a long journey taking days or weeks.

Hundreds of people took part in the march, which was timed to coincide with a Supreme Court hearing on the issue.

The Tauranga iwi are upset the Crown plans to transfer several properties that they regard as their own to Hauraki iwi.

Ngai Te Rangi elder Bob Rolleston made an impassioned plea to MPs, including Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Andrew Little.

Mr Little said the Crown wants a solution but won't take part in negotiations. Instead it wants to facilitate direct negotiations between the different iwi.


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