Millions raised for Tasman fire victims may not go far enough

The millions of dollars raised to compensate those hit hardest by the Nelson fires could fall short.

More than 3000 people were evacuated from their homes in the Tasman district in February as firefighters battled the massive fire.

Sunday, May 12 is the last day to apply for a share of the $2.3 million raised to cover costs for people affected by the evacuations.

Nelson-Tasman Mayor Richard Kempthorne told Newshub more than 100 applications have been made so far for a variety of reasons.

"Claims for welfare needs, a number of claims for damage to property caused by firefighting efforts, other property damage was caused simply by the fire, there were some businesses interrupted. "

But he said the money raised simply won't be enough to cover everyone's needs.

Kempthorne said almost half of it, $1 million, will be spent repairing property damaged by firefighting and funding not-for-profit organisations, $750,000 will go to waterway repairs, $50,000 to find a partial offset of the cost associated with freight for extra feed during the drought, and $500,000 general funding for many needs as a result of the fire.

He's very aware of the fact some people will feel let down.

"Some people will be disappointed I'm sure, but actually the feedback I get is that everybody realises there isn't enough money."

Kempthorne said he's hopeful people will be happy with how the money ends up getting doled out.

"As long as we go through a process that is fair, and distributes the money that we have got fairly, I think most people will be comfortable with that."



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