Rainbow Youth labelled 'pathetic idiots' after refusing to accept donation linked to Destiny Church

The campaign manager for Destiny Church's new political party is standing by his statement that Rainbow Youth are "pathetic idiots" for refusing to accept donations linked to the church.

Jevan Goulter said the decision to refuse the money passed on by two speakers who joined Brian Tamaki onstage at an event at the weekend was "absolutely ridiculous." 

Two members of the LGBTQ community - Rainbow New Zealand trustee Jacquie Grant and now-former Guardian of Rainbow Pride James Laverty - spoke at the event, joining Tamaki in an effort to end the division between his church and the LGBTQ community.

As koha for attending, the pair were given envelopes with money in them. Laverty, who stepped down from his position after the event, told Newshub they received a $500 payment and said this would be donated to Rainbow Youth, an offer that was refused by the organisation.

In a comment posted on Facebook then deleted, Jevan Goulter said Rainbow Youth's decision to return the donation was made by "pathetic idiots".

Goulter says Rainbow Youth needs to become more diverse.
Goulter says Rainbow Youth needs to become more diverse. Photo credit: Rainbow Youth.

Speaking to Newshub's LGBTIQ podcast, The Outlook, Goulter stood by his comments but said they were just his opinion and didn't reflect those of any organisations he's associated with.

"I think I have a track record for having my own opinion and my own views and sharing them regardless of who I've been working with at any given time over the years. I'm speaking really as a gay male who is part of the LGBT community not in any other role."

The long-time friend of Hannah and Brian Tamaki said it was unfortunate the donation was refused as Laverty and Grant had done so much for the community. 

"It's one thing to be sceptical of Bishop Brian, but it's another thing to not give tautoko or support to two members of the community who have worked their asses off."

Goulter also suggested Rainbow Youth lacked the diversity and acceptance which it was set-up to promote.

"I find it mind blowing that when I have a look at Rainbow Youth, ten of their operations team are made up predominantly of white woman and a further ten individuals who make up the executive board again are predominantly Pakeha.

"From their website I can't seem to find one Maori face in their organisation. I suggest they get them (Maori and Pacific Island people) on their team, who might be able to educate them about what koha is," Goulter said.

Rainbow Youth told Newshub it has nothing further to say about Destiny Church beyond its statement made on Sunday
