Have your say: Is Australia or China more important to New Zealand?

A controversial 60 Minutes Australia episode has accused New Zealand of refusing to speak out against China due to our trade relationship. 

The documentary made waves after a contentious promo video accused New Zealand of ditching its relationship with Australia for a "fast Chinese buck". It also renamed the country as "New Xi-Land", a play on Chinese President Xi Jinping's name. 

It comes amid escalating tensions between Australia and China. 

China has imposed tariffs on several products after Australia called for an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and spoke out against the nation's treatment of Uighurs. 

While New Zealand has spoken out independently about these issues, it did not sign up to Five Eyes statements calling out human rights abuses in China. This angered Australian officials who said the decision "blindsided" them and has prompted accusations New Zealand cares more about China than our trans-Tasman counterpart. 

Do you think Australia or China is more important to New Zealand? 

Disclaimer: This straw poll is not scientific and closes after 24 hours.