Christchurch's Hollywood Cinema hits the market

One of the oldest suburban cinemas in the country is for sale.

Hollywood Cinema in Sumner, Christchurch is owned by Lang Masters, and the 90-year-old thinks it's time to roll the credits.

For more than 50 years Lang Masters has worked seven days a week week in the seaside suburb's cinema. He says a lot has changed in that time.

"There's no big reels to carry or anything like that, they were heavy things."

Masters knew from a young age what he wanted to do.

"When I was at school, I used to run movies in my parents' garage," he says.

The Hollywood Cinema opened in 1938 with Henry Fonda's Wings in the Morning. Masters has run it since 1962. In those days there was a half-time interval and the audience used to stand up at the start of every screening to listen to 'God Save The Queen'.

"That went for quite a while but then finally people wouldn't stand up and it disappeared."

Hollywood Cinema is Christchurch's oldest cinema on the market. It comes with three screens and a cafe and is the last remaining New Zealand theatre with a waterfall curtain.

Masters says streaming platforms like Netflix haven't made too much of a difference for cinemas like his.

But after a long career and many cinemas, he's ready to hang up his film reels.

"I've been here for a long time and I should probably just take it easy," he says.

"I love it yeah, I'll be sorry to miss it but I can't be here forever."