Magnitude 4.3 earthquake strikes top of South Island near Picton

Magnitude 4.3 earthquake strikes top of South Island near Picton
Photo credit: GeoNet

A 4.3-magnitude earthquake has struck near the top of the South Island, GeoNet says.

The quake happened 25 kilometres east of Picton at 10:48am on Monday and was 42km deep.

GeoNet described the shaking as "light".

Thousands of people have reported to GeoNet that they felt the earthquake, with the majority saying there was weak or light shaking.

One person in Wellington said it felt strong, while eight people said it was severe and 105 said moderate. The rest said it felt either light or weak. 

GeoNet said it was mainly felt at the top of the South Island and the Greater Wellington region

"We have received over 2500 felt reports. Deeper earthquakes like this one are fairly common off the west coast of the lower North Island," GeoNet said.