Fire and Emergency New Zealand warns New Zealanders to be careful lighting fireworks after fire at Hawke's Bay's Te Mata Peak

FENZ warn New Zealanders to be careful when lighting fireworks this Guy Fawke's weekend.
FENZ warn New Zealanders to be careful when lighting fireworks this Guy Fawke's weekend. Photo credit: Twitter// Kim Thorp

Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is warning New Zealanders to be careful setting off fireworks after a vegetation fire broke out on Hawke's Bay's Te Mata Peak on Friday night.

FENZ group manager Gordy Foster confirmed the fire was caused by fireworks and urged people to be careful where they light their fireworks this Guy Fawkes weekend.

"Do not light any fireworks if it's too windy. Anything more than a breeze can increase the risk a stray firework could start a wildfire."

Foster added it is important to light them in a wide-open space away from anything that could catch fire.

"You don't want to be the person responsible for starting a fire, damaging property or hurting someone by not being careful with fireworks," Foster said.

He added people can check if it is safe to light fireworks at