Locals furious after vandals graffiti Wellington's iconic boat sheds

"The best thing would be to get them here to clean it all off again."
"The best thing would be to get them here to clean it all off again." Photo credit: Newshub

Wellington locals are fuming after some of the city's iconic boat shed roofs were covered in tagging.

The vandals spray-painted several happy-looking hearts on skateboards across a number of roofs, with unidentifiable words tagged too.

Newshub noticed the tagging on the boat sheds following posts on social media, so we took to the streets to see how Wellingtonians felt about their iconic sheds being vandalised.

One told Newshub the graffiti makes "the place look trashy" and urged vandals to "get a life".

"Or get artistic and do something artistic somewhere [else] rather than making a mess."

Another told Newshub they "don't like graffiti".

"The best thing would be to get them here to clean it all off again."

Another didn't appreciate the graffiti as much as the last local Newshub spoke to.

"It's pretty messy actually, it doesn't look good at all," they said. "They better come along and clean it up."

Newstalk NB's political editor Barry Soper said on Twitter he hopes "they catch the toe rags who did this to Wellington's iconic boat shed roofs!".

Newshub approached police for comment. They hadn't received a report on the matter but said tagging, graffiti or defacing property is a criminal offence.

"If people wish to make a report, they can contact police on 105."

Alternatively, reports of graffiti and vandalism can be made to the local council.

"We encourage people to report these matters to police on 105, or 111 if it's happening now."